Sylvia Yoga | Experienced qualified yoga teacher in South Dublin & online.

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It’s all right letting yourself go …

Ah, winter! The season of hibernation and the season of parties … what to do?!

Balanced living is not necessarily about finding perfect balance in life every single day. It’s about recognising there is a time to rest, a time to play and a time to let go of ‘should do’. As long as we keep an eye on the big picture and realise that life will ebb and flow and the time to be stricter with ourselves will roll around again. Inspiration for December for me comes from Sir Mick himself…

“Its all right letting yourself go, as long as you can get yourself back.” Mick Jagger.

Let go, have fun, sleep late, rest, be mindful and soak it all up.


Sylvia teaches live online yoga twice a week and monthly online workshops. You can find out more on the events and workshops page or sign up for her newsletter on her home page. Pre-recorded classes are available to you any time, you purchase once and own forever. If you’re new to Sylvia or back to yoga after a break we suggest Hatha Yoga to start. Bundles include the Zen Collection, a variety of classes for every mood, and the Daily Collection, five half-hour daily practices. Please inquire about virtual Mindfulness in the workplace. We remain very hopeful for a return to outdoor yoga in Spring Summer ’21. Join us!