Alignment August!
Just two weeks of classes in August; an opportunity to go deeper into awareness of your own posture as you move on your yoga mat, deeper into awareness of your posture as you move through your life.
Good posture was there for all of us as children, our job in August is to notice the patterns of tension and stiffness in our bodies which take us away from the natural feeling of moving with ease in a body that is well aligned. When we are moving in optimal alignment it feels right, we move freely. The great thing is that each one of us have our own unique best pattern of alignment, you move in a way that feels good for you.
I’ll guide you through discovering the patterns of movement that tend to suit most of us best, you will fine-tune your awareness and learn to relax muscles that are tight and strengthen muscles that support your good posture.
Note, just 2 weeks of live classes in August, no yoga Tuesday 4th, Thursday 6th, Tuesday 18th, Thursday 20th. (Recordings of yoga classes will be available for you.)
Each class is a complete range of motion, hatha yoga class with a particular focus in each class on quietening the mind, and developing progressive learning.
Week 1: Head, neck and spine: perfect your posture! August 11 and 13th. (One week break follows, recordings available.)
Week 2: Soften your shoulders; ease and relaxed movement. August 25th and 27th .
“By cultivating strength without rigidity and relaxation without collapse in our yoga poses we are training our bodies, and our minds, to remain awake and yet calm, regardless of the external circumstances.” Jason Crandell.
Please sign up for the entire month by selecting two class passes here, you’ll also have access to four class recordings for our weeks off. To join us for one week select one class pass here.